
Organic Platinum Best Beard Cream

(17 reviews) Write a Review

Beard growth takes time and patience. Our organic beard growth cream is not a silver bullet, it's more of a silver sloth. Your beard is nourished with the same vitamins, minerals and fatty acids that will benefit your hair, skin and nails across the board. Our first beard growth tip? Start with your diet! Your beard grows from the inside out. Your beard is the plant and your body is the soil. Hopefully you understand metaphors or this isn't making a whole lot of sense. The point is that your diet helps grow your beard from the inside, and our beard cream supports beard growth from the outside.


What kind of diet helps to grow a great beard you ask? A diet high in essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, amino acids and proteins and low in sugars. Move toward a more beard focused diet and start using our cream and you'll see incredible results!


Here are the organic, original ingredients we use to support beard growth, shape and style:


Argan Oil

Hydrates and softens your beard and provides a smooth sheen. Keeps your beard healthy.


Shea Butter

Hydrates. Increases shine. Reduces frizz. Great for your skin and hair. Contains Vitamins A and E, and also contains fatty acids to bless your beard and the skin underneath it.


Mango Butter

UV Protectant. Hydrating. Packed full of fatty acids and vitamins. Helps facilitate beard growth.


The natural ingredient we use to get your beard to hold it's shape throughout the day! This is an amazing beard styling ingredient that will have your beard feeling fantastic, in any style you'd like it.

Coconut Oil

Stimulates healthy beard growth. Cleanses your beard. Hydrates and protects.


But don't take our word for it. Do your research yourself! Look up any of these ingredients and what they do for hair and beard growth. After you do, come back to us and try us out. You won't regret it!



17 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews

  • 5
    The Best

    Posted by Q on Nov 15th 2023

    I love this product. I have a bad reaction to oily products. This is not oily, beard looks very shiny and smells great!

  • 5
    Great cream

    Posted by Cadarous powell on Nov 4th 2022

    I've been using these products for a while and I love it! I only wish they came in larger sizes.

  • 5
    The measuring stick

    Posted by Jemayne Lavar King, PhD on Dec 30th 2021

    Literally, this is the best product on the market. Other products contain alcohol; this dries my beard and makes it difficult to mange.

    I’ve said it before and I will continue to say it. Best Beard Cream is the only product touching my beard. Early!

  • 5

    Posted by Preston Travers on Dec 10th 2021

    This is the one

  • 5

    Posted by Joshua on May 1st 2021

    I usually always get the blueberry cause it’s amazing. This time I grabbed up the platinum cause of seeing reviews. It’s pretty awesome too. My wife likes it more than the blueberry. Get both of them you’ll never regret it. Great product and value!

  • 5
    Best Beard Cream Platinum

    Posted by Jeff Llewellyn on Mar 12th 2021

    Great cream that is easy to use. I was hoping for a bit more hold, but I will simply use a wax for that need. This cream is my conditioner that I will use at night. Love that it is all natural!

  • 5
    Superior Product

    Posted by Dwayne on Mar 8th 2021

    Just started using the beard cream both the organic platinum and the blueberry and I am fully impressed it has my beard smelling good and feeling good. I will definitely purchase again.

  • 5

    Posted by Duke Diddy on Feb 20th 2021

  • 4
    So far so good

    Posted by Shakur on Feb 7th 2021

    I’m liking so far and haven’t tried it for a week yet. I just got it less than a we